Day 113: Getting to Know Vader

7/7/20; mile: 1,048; elevation: 8,694 ft.

Today was my fastest day to date. I managed to pull off 22 miles in 11 hours, including all breaks! However, the day was mostly about Vader and I getting to know each other. But before we could really get talking, we had to save our breath for the climb out of the canyon we were camped in.

Once we got the initial climb out of the way, we pretty much stuck with each other throughout the day. As such, we start talking. We start with little things like our education and careers. The conversation naturally drifts to work and all of the issues that come with it (and what brought me to the trail). I also learn how much of an athlete that Vader is. He’s been in competitive cycling and triathlons for years. Which certainly explains why he’s so fricken fast! His ultralight gear doesn’t hurt, either. He’s also spent a lot of time in the cycling industry, giving me some insight into the professional cycling scene during the Lance Armstrong controversy. Since we’re the same age, we also talk about the generational differences in hikers that we’ve met and gotten to know. And we both agree that the calendar is ticking; we need to start doing bigger days if we’re going to complete the trail before winter comes in early October.

With all of the brotherly love being shared, the miles just disappear. We also don’t spend a lot of time taking in the scenery. The glimpses into our personalities is more intriguing. About the only thing that pull a squirrel moment on us is a forest fire we see east of us. It turns out to be the Numbers Fire outside of Gardnerville and not a threat to us. But it’s certainly a sign of what’s to come for the rest of the summer.

We finally catch Biodiesel at the Highway 108 crossing (Ebbetts Pass) where Vader and I call it a day. Being a weekday, there’s no trail magic. In fact, it’s quite quiet. The number of vehicles that pass as we sit roadside can be counted on one hand. With his food running short, Biodiesel continues onward.

Savior out.

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