Day 38: Reunions!

4/23/20; Mile 353.9, elevation 5,500 ft.

I awoke early and packed pretty quickly. I was at McDonald’s right when they opened. Gotta say I was kind of disappointed. It just didn’t feel/taste as good as I hoped. Or maybe it was just my mood. This stop has been unlike others in that the “locals” here aren’t really local. This is a freeway interchange, with just fast food, gas stations with convienence stores and one hotel. And then there is the fact I haven’t seen another thru hiker in several days. Walking down the dead end road to get back on the trail, I just felt blah.

The trail goes under the freeway and train track or two, surrounded by all of the detritis of the freeway culture. Add in the trail being wet and muddy, it was a weird start for the day. The icing on the cake was passing by someone’s burned property from the fire that blew through here a couple of years ago. The interesting find was three burned out Jaguars.

I took some time to watch a total of 5 trains traverse the Cajon Junction at the same time, while also admiring the view. I also noticed 3 hikers catching up to me. Turns out Cannonball, Siesta and Pippi Longstocking stayed in the hotel last night! It was such a site for sore eyes to see familiar faces and to hear their stories of the past couple of weeks. This was just the kick in the pants I needed to get motivated for the upcoming climb towards Wrightwood. I’ve been hiking for many days without a break…Ronnie needs to stop for a day off.

My Dog was this a tough climb. Welcome back to the desert and with a new heat wave coming. There’s a water cache before the real start of the climb, but I didn’t utilize it enough. I only had 3 liters of capacity on me….not smart. Pippi and I both struggled with the heat and the climb, and fell short of camping spot that Cannonball and Siesta got to. I spent a lot of time just laying in the shade trying to recoup. By the end of the night, I only had one more liter to get me into the mountains hopefully to find snow melt. And then the suprise of surprises; Gunner showed up! I haven’t seen him since mile 77, and only had a couple of text messages between us since.

Savior out.

2 thoughts on “Day 38: Reunions!

  1. Pete says:

    Well welcome back brother, missed your posts and ten four on the upcoming heat wave. As you know ya gotta stay hydrated and no vitamin BL, stay safe Ron and your always in our prayers.

  2. Bruce Jones says:

    Hi Ron sounds like you’ve got a tough hike there ahead of you. Maybe tougher than Old Rag or that hike on the Appalachian trail into Harper’s Ferry way back around ’83 or so. I’ll always remember when you came over to the tent and woke me up early that morning when my alarm didn’t go off… It was so thankful you did that. We all got packed up and met your dad on time who came by in the old VW bus. Vic told me you were on the Pacific Crest Trail so thought I’d drop you a line to say have a great hike! Lot of catching up we’ll have to do some time. Keep hydrated! I’ll be praying you’re safe and healthy out there Me I’m fine just going stir crazy wishin i was out on a hike
    Your old Scoutmaster


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