Day One Complete

Day 1, Mile 7.6

I’m typing away in my tent, listening to frogs down in the small canyon below me. The wind is quiet now, it’s about 54F inside, and I’m not really looking forward to tomorrow.

The flight was very light, so light they wouldn’t let passengers beyond row 20 (hence the crazy lookinig picture). Other than that an uneventful flight. My parents picked me up, took me to their hotel room to finalize packing and off we went in search of brunch. Except San Diego County now has restrictions on restaurants: To Go orders only. So it was McDonalds in the parking lot east of Cajon. Then the rain came, and it came hard. But once we hit Lake Morena and Campo, it quieted down.

The terminus was as you expect and have likely seen lots of pictures. It was cold and windy, but we talked with the host as we consumed virus elixir and took pictures. By the way, it’s not often I let loose with waterworks (especially in front of my parents), but I did. Trying to tell my parents the gratitude I felt for all of the effort they went through just to drive me from San Diego to Camp. Well, I wasn’t the only one anyway.

So the little saunter has started. I just walked a relaxed pace, bouncing from being warm when the sun was out or in a wind shadow, to being chilled if I stopped for any length of time in the wind. The water sources are all flowing nicely after the recent rains. And more is coming, with potential for snow.

I have a cabin reserved in Lake Morena so I can dry out after tomorrows 12.4 mile slog in the cold rain. The high is going to be in the mid to upper 40’s. Thus, I’m not excited. But the cabin has electricity and heat, so I can start walking Thursday warm and dry….into another rain storm.

5 thoughts on “Day One Complete

  1. Rob says:

    Hi Ron,
    After thinking about it for 40 years or so, I attempted a thru hike last year. I’m a strong backpacker but not much of a mountaineer so the high snow level threw a wrench in my plans. I ended up hiking 1000 miles and tagged both borders. Not as far as I’d hoped but I still had a great time and met some excellent people. It looks like this year the challenges will be different. Best of luck! I’m already enjoying living vicariously through your hike!

    Happy trails,
    Rob ‘El Hefe’

  2. Scott Bond says:

    Happy trails, Ron. Looking forward to tracking you for the duration and connecting at some point. Peace, Scott

  3. Paul Bennett says:

    Best of luck. Should be at this location same time next year.

  4. Bryce Hipkiss says:

    You’re an official blogger!
    Despite abandoning us, we still love you. Also heard something about two women in your room tonight…interesting. I guess there’s a first time for everything. You’re like Forrest Gump except you’re walking. We expect you to look like him too. Hopefully you don’t get too cold within the next couple days. We will be thinking about you with hot coffee in our mugs and the heater cranked on your dime.

    The Hipkiss Family


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