Early Preparation

T -45 days

So a PCT through hike was/has been a means to an end, get my mind focused on something besides my work situation. Within the last year, this has started to change from a dream to reality. I started updating my gear, going on weekend backpacking trips, marking dates on the calendar, saving money. And then the inevitable permit. That’s when it really hit me. This thing is getting harder and harder NOT to do. Not that I haven’t had setbacks, like a year ago today when I launched my XR650R off of a sand dune and suffered a minor compression fracture and over-stretched muscles in my back, or the patellafemoral pain in my left knee that is still plaguing me.

It’s these setbacks that are the most worrisome. The mind starts doubting itself, am I doing the right thing, can I pull this off. What if I fail? Maybe I should wait a year…. No. I can do this, I’m a resilient person, maybe even considered tough…hell, that’s how I managed to stay under this workplace management this long. I really want to show my loved ones that I’m capable of taking action for my best interest instead of just chugging along to make ends meet. Plus, I’m not getting any younger.

It’s easy to to focus on things like shopping for gear and planning resupply tactics; it’s quite another to search your soul for what’s really eating at you and doing something about it. I’m out camping right now still figuring out what clothing I want to carry with me. Who knows? Whatever, it’ll work itself out. I’m at the point where I’m done planning and thinking. I want to start doing. Now if I can just get all of the household issues dealt with as best possible and get my affairs in order, I can really hit the road. It still feels too far away but I know the nest 45 days will fly by.

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