T minus 22 Days


T minus 22 days

So time is getting short. Like really, how hard should it be to fill a backpack with gear, clothes and food and to just start walking? I seem to be spending a lot of my time working on setting myself up to be gone. Making sure that all of my online accounts are accessible for my supportive family, living off of my phone instead of laptops and iPad, and trying not to get too excited, getting the house and vehicles as ready as can be for when I’m gone. Pretty soon, I’m just going to have to let go.

It’s almost like planning my own funeral. This world is going to have to go on without me for 6 months. And the irrational fear that they’ll figure out they don’t really need me. That’s a tough one.

Looking at the long range weather forecasts, it’s looking like this is a good year to start in March. And reading the water report, I’m already seeing some of the water sources drying up. Wow. I’m starting to wonder if I should bring an umbrella now with the predicted temps to be above average. Some of them are pretty light at less than 7 ounces….

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